I thought long and hard before I named my children. I practiced how it would sound when I called out for them. I rehearsed the full name loudly – for those stern, you’re in trouble times. I wrote each name out on paper to see how it looked, and I thoroughly tested the initials for bad words, easily made fun of words, or acronyms.
I thought long and hard before I named my children.
You probably did too. It’s too important to choose on a whim. This will be your child’s identity for the rest of his/her life. They will hear it every day of their lives. They will write it most every day after they learn how to write.
Our firstborn, Stuart Lee Sims, was named for my husbands’ cousin and buddy, who passed away at a young age. His middle name is my husbands’ middle name. Our Stuart was always very proud of his name and from where it came. He considered it a great honor to carry the name of someone we held in such high esteem. He had a picture of his dad (as a child) with the original Stuart, in a frame in his home.
His initials, SLS, were utilized to the utmost ability. He started signing things with his initials as a very young child. He carried this through to his career as an attorney.
All of this to say, his name was important to him.
Since his heavenly homegoing, his legacy continues through dear friends who loved Stuart so much that they named their children after him.
What an incredible honor. One sweet friend from college gave his son the middle name of “Stuart” and a precious couple from law school has given their daughter the middle name of “Stuart.” Our son, Parker and his wife are having a baby soon, and her middle name will be “Lee” which also gives her his initials – SLS!
We have been overwhelmed with such a testimony to our son and his impact on the lives of others. This is HUGE! This means these families will be talking about Stuart for the rest of their lives. His memory will be forever engraved upon their family and their children – a new generation!
Our hearts are so broken by the loss of our son. There is nothing that can change that. However, we are blessed with so many people who love Stuart and keep his memory alive in such loving, remarkable ways.
*I haven’t given full names here because I haven’t asked for permission to do so. Trust me, though; these are some adorable babies with exceptionally beautiful names!
I love it!
Keep’em coming
Love you