This girl is a warrior. She has been through so much in her life, yet she smiles. Her story isn’t my story to tell, but I will say she spent most of her life in foster care until we adopted her at age 11. When she came to live with us, she had no idea what a family was. It was a tough transition, but we came out the other side – all the better for the experience. We learned so much during that first year. She is a beautiful young lady, who had to go through too much, too soon.
When she came to us, she had minimal communication skills. We knew more ASL than she did. I can’t imagine how lonely it must have been to have no way to let someone know your basic needs, thoughts, hopes and dreams. Yet, that was her reality.
She has come a very long way! She is outgoing now instead of hiding behind me. She enjoys being around friends and family. She is the most diligent student you will ever find. She loves school. She loves our church. She loves her family. She is happy.
She can be full of sass and attitude – and we love seeing that side of her. She has come out of her shell and is allowing her true self to be seen and heard from. She is learning that although she can’t speak, she has a voice. She is learning although she is small, she can be fierce.
She is understanding that she is the daughter of the King. She has been adopted twice – by her heavenly Father and by us. He knows her name and some day, when He calls her home, she will hear His voice – loud and clear!
Isn’t she blessed? The first voice she will ever hear is that of her Lord!
Well-said! She is an amazing young woman and I love her!!!!!