To wake up and know you are blessed is the only way to wake up.
Otherwise, pull the covers over your head and try again in a few minutes. Keep trying until you see the blessings.
I am blessed among women. I have three beautiful boys who I call my sons. they are very different, yet so much the same.
God has chosen to cover me with blessings that I simply do not deserve.
For this, I am forever grateful. I can’t imagine my life without being the mother of my boys. they changed me. one made me a mom to begin with…one showed me how to have joy just by smiling…one showed me that love makes a family.
I could write a book about what these boys have taught me and what I am still learning from them every day.
I want to wake up every day and feel the blessings. I want to count them one by one. I want to tuck them deep into my heart for safe keeping. Hide them there for the days when I long to be reminded of every little thing about them. A little storage bin in my heart for the love that overflows.
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