Acts 3:2
Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts.
The called Beautiful! Wow! That just places all manner of imagery in my mind. As a photographer, I had, at one time, a beautiful garden in which to capture lovely images of beautiful children. In this garden, there was a gate. It was an old wrought iron gate with a history all it’s own. Was it in a garden where children played and birds chirped? Maybe it was a garden of quiet sanctuary for a busy mother. Perhaps it was the entrance to a vegetable garden and kept out little feet that trample such delicate things.
I don’t really know for sure, but to me (and all who had their picture beside it), the gate was beautiful. It was guarded by a magnificent Weeping Willow tree, with her tendrils ever draping. There were stones that led to it with great flowers and wonderful ferns framing the small narrow path. It was only a small portion of the garden, yet one of the favorites of all who entered.
Interestingly enough the gate really was a facade. It led to a fake bridge on the other side and the bridge led to …nowhere.
For all its beauty and spender, it was a beautiful gate to nowhere.
Many times that is the case for the paths we are on, the gates we want to go through. We, in our flesh, see just beyond the gate and want so desperately to enter in. We have tunnel vision. We don’t see that there is destruction on the other side. Pride is there. Lust is there. Covetousness is there. Greed is there. Sin that hurts not only you, but the ones you love is there. All manner of earthly things to take our eyes and mind off of what really matters – WHO really matters.
Oh, but there is a gate with Glory on the other side. Treasures so great that our small minds cannot even fathom. The path is narrow and it is not always easy.
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Matthew 7:13-14
I want to keep my eyes on Jesus. I want to enter His Beautiful Gate. Experience eternal life on the other side of it. See the Glory of His magnificent face. What joy awaits, just on the other side.
This is reposted from my prior blog. It was originally posted on November 8,2011.
I am even more anxious to make my way to the other side of the gate now that my son waits for me there. What a glorious day it will be!