Surviving profound loss is a life lesson learned by necessity at the lowest point of our lives. It’s like falling off a craggy cliff you never knew existed—shocked at the free fall.

One minute you’re breathing in the fragrant blossoms of countless flowers, and the next, you’re flat on your back deep in the valley.
Now what?
Breathing is a chore, and standing on your own two feet seems impossible. Even with a broken heart, there’s no choice except to stand.
Oh, you will stumble and fall to your knees for the rest of your life. Each time, though, you will stand up straighter, stronger, and for a little longer.
Hopefully, you have some Aaron’s and Hur’s in your life. Friends who will be beside you, hold you up when you have no more energy, no more resolve, and your hope is slipping away.
They will have your back!
They will remind you of who you are and Whose you are. They will listen, sit quietly, and they will not rush you to “get over it.”
When you are at your lowest, they will carry you to the throne and ask for healing on your behalf.
Then, the day will come when you will be the one offering solace to a broken heart. You’ll know all too well what you need to do. You’ll support, sustain, listen, and love. You’ll go to the Father on their behalf, begging for relief for their shattered heart.
This will be the beauty in the ashes. The comforted will become the comforter. It’s how we learn to persevere in our deepest losses.
This is beautiful, Faith!