I know I couldn’t love ____ more, but I know I could love _____ better. (insert your name here)
If you give thought to the people in your life (family, friends and your church community among others), you would probably say you love them. If not, then this is probably not for you and you should just click on over to Pinterest or something. I’ll wait.
Okay, great! Now it’s just us!
Love is a word we throw around like it means nothing. We love EVERYTHING. Our family, Starbucks, ice cream, HGTV (right?), that gray paint color, friends, and those cute babies at the park. The list is infinite because we simply love it all!
Passion for the people we care for is great and even encouraged. However, professing our love for every little thing is well, very Instagram and Facebook – ish of us. You painted your house – ❤️it. Your kid won an award – ❤️it. Your kids started school – ❤️it. Potty training, enjoying the weather, ate lunch ❤️❤️❤️it all.
See what I mean? These are all good things. I am an Instagram and Facebook user myself – so I’m not out to claim it’s evil (well, not all of it).
When we overuse a word, in this case, love, we can become desensitized to it, and it’s true meaning. I don’t love my computer, in the same way, I love my family, yet, I really like my Mac. I can enjoy things without ❤️❤️❤️ing them.
I digress!
I heard it said today (by a friend, whom I love) 😉 that we need to love one another more. I totally agree with him on this – more love – always good! However, I don’t know that I could love -the ones I love – more. I do believe I can love them better.
I want to love them better. I want to love you better.
Our living is full of mediocre love. We need to love bigger and better. We need to offer encouragement and a shoulder to cry on. We need to mean it when we say “how can I help?” We need to lift up the hurting and give more grace and be more thankful for the grace shown to us.
Call him and tell him you are thinking of him.
Text her and tell her you’re praying for her in her difficulties.
Write a note, stick a stamp on it and bless someone with mail that’s not a bill.
Make a date for coffee or dinner. Invite them to your home and offer a safe place for relaxation and refuge.
Do you want more friends? Be one first!
You need more love (don’t we all)? Pour it out all over others – drench them in love.
Need a hug? Offer up a few this week. We can’t be takers of love. We need to be givers of love.
Your loved one lost her way? Be the light that points her to the only One who can help.
A friend lost his job? Gift cards and meals will go farther than well-meaning words.
New people in your area, church, group, etc.? Invite them over along with a few other friends to get them acquainted.
Love better.
You know you want to.
It’s a challenge for all of us (me included). Love more – please do! Love better – give it a try!
Let me know what you do to love better!
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
Such a great reminder! I am going to love my husband BETTER by really listening during and after supper, without interruption or negativity. It doesn’t matter if I have heard his stories umpteen times. If he feels the need to tell me again, it must be a need that has yet to be addressed. For whatever reason, maybe he feels he wasn’t truly heard the first or the 4th time he told me. I will listen with love and attention. He deserves no less!